Thursday, 23 June 2016

Day Four

If you could only see your children now. I’m in a field that has a massive climbing frame in the middle of it. Ten feet up one side is a balance beam and another twenty feet up is another balance beam. The kids are taking challenges on how they will climb up and move across both beams. Johnny has just hopped up and along the entire structure! I don’t think I could even do it crawling and hugging the beams!

This is what is so wonderful about being on camp with these kids. Seeing them build confidence every day and overcoming the challenges that are constantly being put in front of them. Some of the challenges are pretty minor, such as putting up with their teacher playing Squarepusher really loudly to wake them up at 7am this morning (if you are unfamiliar with Squarepusher, Spotify him and see if you’d like to be woken in this manner). Then, there are the personal challenges for each kid, the ones that are far more difficult to achieve, seeing these overcome is something special and, this week, each and every kid has done this in their own way.

This evening, the children are feeling torn between sadness at leaving with the excitement of seeing you all again. I’m hoping these emotions combine in a glorious cocktail of feeling the need to go to bed early and fall straight asleep.

Enjoy the photos! Tomorrow, your child will be able to sit down with you and explain what was going on in each one.

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